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Chogyam Trungpa and the Backwards Ati Path: A Seminar with Ken Friedman

  • Dharma House NYC 60-06 39th Ave Woodside, NY 11377 United States (map)

Full title: 8 Aspects of Padmasambhava from the Point of View of Trungpa Rinpoche’s Backwards Ati Path

Friday 7-9pm
Saturday 10am-4pm
Sunday 10am-4pm

Note: you can download Ken’s book for $25 at It would be most helpful to have at least looked at the book before the weekend. It is an amazing dharma book with lots of stories and insights.

This weekend program will explore Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's teachings on taking the phenomenal world, the guru, and the three kayas as the path, with a particular emphasis on how to relate with the various levels of anxiety we encounter, from our everyday feelings of nervousness up to severe panic attacks and the heightened forms of neurosis that one might encounter on the Backwards Ati Path.

The program will include three talks, group discussions, and an introduction to a variety of personal meditation and post-meditation instructions that Ken received from the Vidyadhara, including the Sadhana of Mahamudra feast practice. Personal interviews will be available on request.

Ken Friedman met the Vidyadhara, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1974. He has presented Trungpa Rinpoche's teachings throughout North America and Europe for more than 40 years. Ken is the author of Chogyam Trungpa and the Backwards Ati Path, a 360-page book of oral instructions for students that have received the pointing-out transmission. The Vidyadhara appointed Ken to serve as the sole instructor for the young people (6-16 years old) in the Vajradhatu community; as the Buddhist/Shambhala tutor for Gesar Mukpo (recognized as the incarnation of Trungpa Rinpoche's teacher, Jamgon Kongtrul of Sechen); as a Vajrayana Sadhana instructor; and as the Meditation Instructor to the Kalapa Court (Trungpa Rinpoche's home). Since the early 1990s, Ken has also studied closely with Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, author of The Guru Drinks Bourbon. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and enjoys spending time with his wife, Linda, as well as his daughters and numerous grandchildren.

The weekend program donation is $108. If you'd like to help sponsor another student who can't afford the full donation, please sign up as a sponsor at $216 or $162. If you feel you need financial assistance, volunteer staff positions are available; please contact the organizers at